Tanzu Academy by VMware
Deploy and Configure Bootstrap Machine
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This lesson provides a demonstration on how to deploy and configure a bootstrap machine as part of the TKO Reference Architecture.

The deployment of the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management and workload clusters is facilitated by setting up a bootstrap machine where you install the Tanzu CLI and Kubectl utilities which are used to create and manage the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instance. This machine also keeps the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and Kubernetes configuration files for your deployments. The bootstrap machine can be a laptop, host, or server running on Linux, macOS, or Windows that you deploy management and workload clusters from. The bootstrap machine runs a local kind cluster when Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster deployment is started. Once the kind cluster is fully initialized, the configuration is used to deploy the actual management cluster on the backend infrastructure. After the management cluster is fully configured, the local kind cluster is deleted and future configurations are performed with the Tanzu CLI.

As part of this lesson the following steps are performed. You can navigate directly to any of these steps by using the chapter markers in the video. Clicking on the steps below will take you directly to the instructions for that step in the TKO Reference Architecture deployment guide:

  1. Deploy bootstrap machine OVA
  2. Modify VM Hardware
  3. Connect to bootstrap machine
  4. Update software packages
  5. Add user
  6. Docker configuration
  7. Install additional packages
  8. Configure iptables
  9. Download tanzu-cli and kubectl
  10. Extract and install tanzu-cli
  11. Synchronise tanzu-cli plugins
  12. Install kubectl
  13. Install Carvel tools
  14. Generate SSH key pair

Paul Wiggett

Staff Field Engineer at VMware Tanzu

Focused on spreading knowledge and best practices on the majority of the Tanzu portfolio.

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