Tanzu Academy by VMware
VMware Aria Operations for Applications - Lab
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This lab is Module 5 of a larger "hands-on lab" (HOL). You can access the overall lab by browsing to the URL below or using the Launch Lab Module link in the lesson Links list. If you haven't created an HOL account before, you'll need to sign up for one, but don't worry as there is no cost.

Once at the HOL page, ENROLL in the lab and start it. The modules of the lab can be found by clicking TABLE OF CONTENTS from the lab guide area on the right-hand side of the screen.

From there select Module 5 - Optimize Operations with Data-driven Insights and perform the steps of that module. Complete Module 5 only; you will complete the remaining modules after watching the associated video lessons later in the course.

Note that the duration of each HOL session is quite short, but you can re-enroll as many times as you wish in order to complete the labs.

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