Learning Paths

Unlock Your Full Potential

Take the guesswork out of learning Tanzu. Learning Paths provide a straightforward way to learn what you need to — and skip what you don’t.

Skill Levels
Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (TKO)

Learning Path Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (TKO)

This learning path aims to familiarize you with the VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (TKO) concepts, products and components.

4 Courses
13h 45m
Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations: Preparation and Prerequisites

Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations: Preparation and Prerequisites

Prepare for the Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (TKO) learning path with a review of some key components used by TKO — cert-manager, Kubernetes operators, and the Cluster API.

4 Lessons
Kubernetes Platform Design

Kubernetes Platform Design

This course will discuss the typical platform addons that are not part of basic Kubernetes. System administrators and Cluster Operators will learn the skills of operating an existing built cluster.

13 Lessons
4h 21m
Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations: Products and Components

Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations: Products and Components

A hands-on introduction to the main products and components that make up VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (TKO).

14 Lessons
4h 16m
Deploy a Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Reference Architecture Walkthrough

Deploy a Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Reference Architecture Walkthrough

This course provides a detailed set of demonstration videos which will walkthrough the complete deployment of the Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (TKO) Reference Architecture into a vSphere environment with NSX-T installed.

15 Lessons
4h 2m
Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) for Operators

Learning Path Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) for Operators

VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a modular, application-aware platform that provides a rich set of developer tooling and a pre-paved path to production to build and deploy software quickly and securely on any compliant public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster. The material in this learning path will help platform operators prepare, set up, configure, and use Tanzu Application Platform.

5 Courses
19h 37m
Tanzu Application Platform: Overview

Tanzu Application Platform: Overview

This course provides an overview of Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) and the problems it aims to solve.

6 Lessons
1h 19m
Tanzu Application Platform: Installation

Tanzu Application Platform: Installation

Get hands-on practice with configuring a basic installation of VMware Tanzu Application Platform.

11 Lessons
2h 42m
Tanzu Application Platform: Supply Chains for Operators

Tanzu Application Platform: Supply Chains for Operators

Manage your path to production using Tanzu Application Platform supply chains.

13 Lessons
2h 22m
Tanzu Application Platform: Deploying a Production Environment

Tanzu Application Platform: Deploying a Production Environment

Make your Tanzu Application Platform more production-ready

12 Lessons
9h 7m
Tanzu Application Platform: Configuring Tanzu Developer Portal (TAP GUI)

Tanzu Application Platform: Configuring Tanzu Developer Portal (TAP GUI)

Get hands-on practice configuring the Tanzu Developer Portal.

9 Lessons
3h 1m
Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) for Developers

Learning Path Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) for Developers

VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a modular, application-aware platform that provides a rich set of developer tooling and a pre-paved path to production to build and deploy software quickly and securely on any compliant public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster. The material in this learning path will help developers build and deploy application using the features of Tanzu Application Platform.

4 Courses
8h 24m
Tanzu Application Platform: Overview

Tanzu Application Platform: Overview

This course provides an overview of Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) and the problems it aims to solve.

6 Lessons
1h 19m
Tanzu Application Platform: Inner Loop Development

Tanzu Application Platform: Inner Loop Development

This course introduces developers to the Path to Production concept, and the Inner Loop software development workflow in Tanzu Application Platform.

8 Lessons
1h 19m
Tanzu Application Platform: Supply Chains for Developers

Tanzu Application Platform: Supply Chains for Developers

Manage your path to production using Tanzu Application Platform supply chains.

8 Lessons
1h 42m
Tanzu Application Platform: Production Ready

Tanzu Application Platform: Production Ready

The main goal of the course is to cover topics to help you get you, your team, and your organization be Production Ready by using Tanzu Application Platform functionalities that go beyond the application code you’ll write but are crucial to any Enterprise level apps.

9 Lessons
2h 11m