Tanzu Application Platform: Production Ready

9 Lessons
2h 11m

The main goal of the course is to cover topics to help you get you, your team, and your organization be Production Ready by using Tanzu Application Platform functionalities that go beyond the application code you’ll write but are crucial to any Enterprise level apps.


IMPORTANT: Tanzu Application Platform is now part of Tanzu Platform. Tanzu Application Platform capabilities are now in Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes, a Tanzu Platform runtime. Tanzu Platform continues to focus on supporting development and operations teams to accelerate application development and delivery on any Kubernetes. This course has been retained for reference purposes and some of the content discussed may no longer be relevant or supported by VMware Tanzu by Broadcom.

The main goal of the course is to cover topics to help you get you, your team, and your organization be Production Ready by using Tanzu Application Platform functionalities that go beyond the application code you’ll write but are crucial to any Enterprise level apps.

This course covers the concepts of Application Accelerators, TechDocs, and Service Bindings in Tanzu Application Platform.

In the accompanying lab, you will get hands-on practice creating, testing and publishing an Application Accelerator. You will also use a service claim to create a RabbitMQ service and bind it to an application in three different ways: manually, using a Service Binding library, and finally by using Spring Cloud Bindings.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the Application Accelerator publishing workflow.
  • Create forms using fields and input types.
  • Apply transformations to files.
  • Test Application Accelerators locally.
  • Publish an Application Accelerator to a TAP Portal.
  • Write documentation files in Markdown that lives with the code.
  • Transform the Markdown into HTML using the TechDocs CLI.
  • Push the transformed HTML to a Git repo with the TechDocs CLI.
  • Claim a service like RabbitMQ using Service Claims.
  • Use Service Bindings to connect to a service from an application.
  • Directly use the Service Bindings secrets from a legacy application.


  • Completed the Tanzu Application Platform: Overview course
  • Completed the Tanzu Application Platform: Inner Loop course
  • Facility with a code editor like VS Code
  • Facility with the Linux command line interface
  • Understanding of the basics of Kubernetes
  • Facility to write manifest files (YAML) for Kubernetes

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Course Introduction

This lesson provides a brief introduction to the course. It covers the target audience and prerequisite skills needed.

Application Accelerators Concepts

Application Accelerators Concepts

Learn about the Application Accelerators concepts and the publishing workflow from creating an accelerator to publishing it on a Tanzu Portal.

Application Accelerators Fields and Input Types

Application Accelerators Fields and Input Types

Learn how to create forms using Application Accelerators fields, input types, and structs.

Application Accelerators Transformations

Application Accelerators Transformations

Learn how to use the transformation engine to transforms files included with the accelerator.

Test and Publish Application Accelerators

Test and Publish Application Accelerators

Learn how to test Application Accelerators locally and publish them to a TAP Portal.

Experience Creating an Application Accelerator

Experience Creating an Application Accelerator

Experience what it's like to author, test, and publish an Application Accelerator.

Authoring TechDocs

Authoring TechDocs

Learn how to author and publish technical documentation to a TAP Portal using TechDocs. You'll learn how to write documentation files in Markdown that lives with the code, transform the Markdown into HTML using the TechDocs CLI, and push the transformed HTML to a Git repo with the TechDocs CLI.

Service Bindings Concepts

Service Bindings Concepts

Learn how to connect to services like RabbitMQ using ServiceBindings. You will learn how use a service claim to create a RabbitMQ service and bind it to an application in three different ways: manually, using a Service Binding library, and finally by using Spring Cloud Bindings.

Experience Using Service Bindings

Experience Using Service Bindings

Experience what it's like to use a service claim to create a RabbitMQ service and bind it to an application in three different ways: manually, using a Service Binding library, and finally by using Spring Cloud Bindings.
